It All Started With A Play

Twist, Pull, Smoke, Run-Motherfucker-Run!

acting, actor, hollywood fringe, military, paly, play, theater, theater of war

Twist, Pull, Smoke, Run-Motherfucker-Run! is the story of A combat veteran evading his concerned girlfriend's questions about his tour in Afghanistan, and instead argues with his own PTSD to find the answers.

By Matthew Domenico & Katherine Connor Duff


“…that’s when shit gets real, and being real is what this play is all about.” - OC Weekly

“With riveting physical action that betrays the profound psychological wounds of war, we in the audience become engrossed in the conflict that is not only dramatic but as relevant as today’s breaking news.” - Beachcomber

This is theater with a purpose. This is theater aiming for social change and healing. By using a familiar story and smartly delivering a message of hope infused with harrowing accounts of trauma and death, this piece demands that it be followed by conversation… by awareness… and, hopefully, for some, action. The Foxhole Stories is off to a strong start and I want to know more about what is to come. - My Haunt Life

Disclaimer: Mature Audience

This project was funded through Kickstarter and we our deeply indebted to our patrons, Thank You.

Armando Muggia, Cordelia Duff, Chris Pozek, Victor Alfonso, Janine Culibrk, Candy Brent, Rafael J Torres, Yeshua Farfan, Dr G & the Range Shadows, Mike Peebler, and Brian Dupuis.

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The Making of a Play About Combat PTSD (Full Version)
